Performance Enhancing Drugs

What Are Performance Enhancing Drugs And When Should We Use


Sometimes the pressure of the environment, both family and professional, the fear of failure, the ambition of success, are reasons why an athlete begins to use drugs, but all they get is to deceive themselves because these substances carry everything types of health problems. Nowadays, many young players at the Athletes performance center aim to improve themselves and be better in the sport for that they exercise at any price, without measuring the consequences. Now what we do not want is for them to commit the severe error of accessing performance-enhancing drugs thinking that way they will achieve their goal.

Let us show and explain what are the causes and consequences of the consumption of sure performance-enhancing drugs in sports, also known as doping. As we know our society is a victim of the use of all types of drugs, and unfortunately today anyone can access these, that is why this report will let you know why these types of substances should not be incorporated into our body.


Every day new methods and techniques are sought to try to overcome various strength and exercise parameters. An obvious way of influencing the physical performance of the athlete has been through the consumption of substances prohibited by the regulations of sports organizations. These substances, when ingested, cause an artificial increase in sports performance; but that in some way destabilize the physiological functions of the organism to the detriment of health.

Its use as opposed to the philosophy that gave rise to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 1894, promoting a whole set of ethical, moral, pedagogical and humanist values inherent to sport to achieve an integral development of the personality of athletes and improving the communication between peoples with the aim of safeguarding peace (Olympic Charter). This philosophical conception has been ignored with the use of toxic substances that place athletes in an odd competitive position. For this reason, the IOC has asked its member organizations for their support to prevent the proliferation of this harmful practice that destroys the human values that should prevail in all sports competitions.

The use of drugs in sport: Doping

According to the International Olympic Committee (IOC), doping is the administration or use by an athlete of any substance foreign to the body or any physiological element taken in an abnormal amount or by an unusual route with the sole intention of increasing athletes performance artificially to stand ahead in the competition.

When the athlete for medical necessity ingests any medication or substance that, by its nature, dose or application, increases its performance, it will also be considered doping. To prevent this concept, the IOC has published a list of prohibited substances and has developed a drug detection program in the Olympics and related competitions to stop the use of these substances.

Sports where they are most used: Aerobics, athletics, badminton, basketball, baseball, boxing, boating, cycling, water skiing, fronton, soccer, handball, judo, karate, weightlifting, wrestling, swimming, pentathlon, tae kwon do, tennis, triathlon and water polo.

A brief history of doping

Civilization, unable to freely accept its physical and mental limitations, has always sought magical forms in an attempt to overcome its natural possibilities with minimal effort. In this endeavor, he has used various methods of food and medicine, not always licit, which can be considered precursors of the practice that is now known as doping. It is an example of the many attempts that man has made through history to artificially improve his resistance to fatigue by participating in the war, hunting and sport, often mixing therapy with magic and the Witchery. It is related to competitive sport. Therefore it is not strictly correct to refer to doping in a different field from that of sports activity.

There are several historical antecedents about the practice of doping. Chroniclers of classic Greece narrate that the jumpers, and fighters who participated in the Olympic Games, resorted to ingesting of extracts of plants, extirpations of the spleen and other means to improve its yield. Caffeine has been used since 1805 in swimming, cycling, and athletics, also in boxing. These performance enhancing drugs are indicated to calm the pain in cases such as fractures, tears, muscle strains postoperative pain, myocardial infarction, and cancer, where conventional analgesics are insufficient.

Unfortunately, in our society, medicine is not only used to fight the disease but also as an aid in physiological limits (tiredness, pain, sleep, anxiety, frustration, etc.). The athlete also resorts to them to stimulate or sedate themselves, increase their strength and muscle mass, their cardiac capacity, concentration, mild fatigue, etc.

In short, doping is used to obtain the win or to achieve it with less effort. Some athletes have just started and are seduced with promises of hundreds of products that “would do better,” but that is only exploitation of amateur athletes without experience. These are substances that stimulate the Central Nervous System or inhibit some of its functions such as appetite. They are commonly used to maintain the emotional stability of the individual and control their weight. Athletes go through adverse: Weight loss, agitation, anxiety, tachycardia, depression, vomiting and diarrhea, impotence, hair loss, and pain when urinating.

Here are some of the drugs that are banned by the International Olympic Committee (IOC):

•    Narcotics

•    Anabolic steroids

•    Beta-blockers

•    Diuretics

•    Hormones

We have let you the adverse side-effects for an athlete who if consumes a particular drug before his/her athlete’s performance test.

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